Thursday, July 29, 2010

Friday with Ms Gain

We had a lot more parcels to open up today, very fun!

Today we had mail about Alice’s Flat Stanley adventure in Beijing in China, Jack’s Flat Stanley in Germany, Oliver’s Flat Stanley in Christchurch, Daniel’s Flat Stanley in South Australia, and Oscar’s Flat Stanley in the Netherlands - and he came home with a Flat Annie who he had met while he was there!

Oscar's Flat Staley and the Flat Annie he brought home with him!

We got into small groups to look at the photos and to read the letters carefully. A lot of us were interested in the differences in the buildings in the different countries. We noticed that the buildings in China were “bright and colourful”, “had layers”, “had lots of red and gold”, “had roofs that curved up at the ends”, "were lower and wider", and that many had “lanterns”. We noticed the half timbered houses in Germany and thought the wooden strips on the houses looked like zig zags and like the letters Z, A, and V. Jack also thought it was interesting that “the windows have lots of little windows in them” (lots of little panes). We thought both the Chinese and German buildings were very different to the photos of old castles that we have been seeing in Europe.

A building in Beijing in China

A half timbered house

Alice opening her parcel.

Alice showing us some Chinese writing including her name in Chinese.

Jack's au pair from last year sent us a powerpoint about where she lives in Germany and we watched this as a slideshow. We also got an email with some photos from Noah, who is away on holiday at the moment with his Flat Stanley. The photos were of Noah and his Flat Stanley with kangaroos and koalas in Australia. There was even a photo of them doing some jet skiing!

Today we also did some dance and movement stories. We danced the story of Racy Rabbit and the Slow Torotise. We also told the story of 2 mice who visit the zoo using our feet as the mice.

In the afternoon we had assembly and we watched lots of Kapa Haka performances by the year three and fours.

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