This morning Ms Gain started reading us a chapter book called ‘A Calf Called Valentine’. We worked together as a class to recall how the author had described the farm and some of us took turns to scribe the information. Others in the class gave their ideas to the scribes and some helped with sounding out words. We then made a class collective map of the book’s setting: Peak Dale Farm. We all made different things to go on our map using information from the book. Our farm had a farmhouse, a red tractor, 2 barns, cows, sheep, a horse called Silver, chickens, owls in trees, a croft, fields, a river that went past, and an old stony bridge.
We then talked about the different characters in the story. We made a list of all the characters and then we made a Role on the Wall for the character Anna. We drew a picture of Anna and on the outside of her body we wrote things about what she looked like. On the inside of her body we wrote words that described how she felt when she arrived at Peak Dale Farm. We then made a corridor of thought where we stood in two lines facing each other. One person walked down the middle and, as they walked past each person in the corridor, they spoke aloud thoughts that may have been running through Anna’s head on her first day at Peak Dale Farm. We all thought of one thought that Anna might be thinking and then spoke it aloud in the corridor of thought. Here are some of thoughts that were spoken aloud:
“I miss my mum”
“I want to go home”
“This is house is scary”
“Its dark”
“Its cold”
“I wish I was at home”
“The stairs are creaky, I’m scared”
“I don’t want to stay here”
“I wish I could see my mum”
“This place is strange”
On every second Friday this term we will be doing Enrichment for one hour before lunch. For Enrichment we get to work with different children and teachers in the junior syndicate. We are all in different Enrichment groups, which are a mixture of children from all the different junior classes from new entrants to year 2. In Enrichment we get to do art, music, drama, singing, and more!
Back in Room 2 with Ms Gain after lunch, we started a Flat Stanley project. Flat Stanley is a book by Jeff Brown about a boy named Stanley who is flattened by a bulletin board and becomes as flat as a pancake. Because he is flat he is able to fold up and travel in an envelope, and in this way he travels around the world on lots of adventures. We are each making our own Flat Stanley to post away in an envelope to someone we know in a different city/country. We are looking forward to hearing about the adventures our Flat Stanley will go on and seeing photos of him travelling in a different city. Flat Stanley will help us learn all about interesting places all around the world.
Come and see the photos of all the faces in Room 2, today we put them on the wall in our atelier.